Masterclass 1 of 3

Skincare with LA Beautyologist

Q&A 1/4

About the Class

Nayamka drops all her skincare wisdom and demonstrates the best way to get a facial-like glow at-home using CVS products.

Tips & Tricks

  • Find the right oil cleanser for you: Some oil cleansers work better on different skin types than others (jojoba oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, etc.).

  • Add in a massage technique: Take a moment of self-care during your cleansing routine and try a facial roller tool.

  • Try cleansing for 60 seconds:  Nayamka recommends 60 seconds as the sweet spot for applying facial cleanser.

  • Use your face mask on damp skin: This can help you fully enjoy the benefits of the mask.

  • Look at the label: Check the product labels to see where you may be doubling up on ingredients.

  • Apply skincare products based on texture: Lightest to heaviest is the best order for product application.

Expert in this video:

Nayamka Roberts-Smith

Nayamka Roberts-Smith

Nayamka Roberts-Smith is an award-winning licensed esthetician, entrepreneur, skincare expert and content creator. #The60SecondRule, Nayamka’s viral creation, gained global recognition for its intuitive and simple methodology of skin cleansing. Nayamka educates her audience of nearly 1 million with a playful delivery of scientific skincare information that makes sometimes complicated industry jargon digestible & relatable. She is recognized as “Twitter’s most influential esthetician” according to Insights by Sprinklr. When she’s not educating and influencing online, Nayamka runs a successful self-care merchandise e-commerce shop & virtual skincare consultation service.